Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Team speed cleaning

Team speed cleaning is the only way to really tackle a mess in my opinion. Today Jake and I took one hour to clean out the second bedroom AKA the music room, which was recently AKA "the abyss."

Jake: "Where are my black jeans?"
Neener: "Um, I dunno... check the abyss?"

But we found lots of things we were missing, like his black jeans, my dressy loafers, just about every guitar effect pedal known to man (from my perspective), and several bags worth of trash which was promptly tossed. I'm not kidding, I even found a banana peel. To be fair, I think this was mine and only from a couple of days ago. Eww, why did I even mention that? Now none of you will want to come over.

BUT.... now my apartment is getting a heck of a lot closer to being hang-out-able, and I have the momentum to continue cleaning this place up!

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