Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy? Alright, I'll take it!

I can't wait to see my shrink on Monday and tell him how happy I feel these days, finally! Right now I'm sipping coffee I made myself, responding to emails to awesome new people I've met recently, considering what time I'd like to change out of my pajamas.... and I feel pretty damn fabulous.

It's kind of sad to think how much of my time I've wasted in the "blahs" in the past. Months or years really, watching MJ's "Stranger in Moscow" music video and thinking: "yeah, that's exactly how I feel." Or like that poor little Zoloft cartoon blob in the "before" section.

When I saw several former co-workers on Friday night, they said I couldn't stop smiling. What did I look like before? A complainy, frowny downer? I'm glad I was able to make friends anyway, and I'm glad they still welcome me into their world.

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