Friday, February 26, 2010

How to...

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to import an old library into iTunes. I'm reading about it online but can't figure it out. Frustrating.

However this made me laugh. When I begin typing "how to" into Google, the following terms are the most searched for, according to the auto-complete:

1) How to tie a tie
2) How to kiss
3) How to lose weight fast
4) How to get pregnant
5) How to solve a rubix cube
6) How to cook a turkey
7) How to make a website
8) How to download youtube videos
9) How to write a resume
10) How to get a girl to like you

How many of them can you do? Proving again that my years of education may have ultimately yielded another inept quarterlifer with a BA in music, I can only say I know how to kiss, make a website and write a resume. The getting pregnant thing is kind of self explanatory... but I'm no expert and wouldn't be able to advise anyone typing it into Google I'm sure! I definitely cannot tie a tie, cook a turkey, or solve a rubix cube. If I ever need to, that's why Google exists!

So yeah, I'm inept at a lot of things, including fixing this #$%*ing iTunes!

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