Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lazing on a Starbucks afternoon

I wanted to get out of the apartment today, so I walked a few blocks to Starbucks. Along the way I noted all the places I'd rather hang out during my days of freedom: two independent coffeehouses and a bistro with a fantastic lunch special. I can't wait to try all of the weekday lunch specials in the area. Maybe I could eat out (and cheaply) for lunch and then make my own dinner. Hmm...

But I went to Starbucks to finish off a gift card. I thought it would probably be empty at 2:45 on a Wednesday, but it was packed, with a line of about 7 customers and no available tables.

Who are all these people hanging at Starbucks during the day? I am guessing:
--college students
--the recently unemployed
--trust fund hipsters?

I also see senior citizens and moms around the city during the day. Totally different crowd than I'm used to!

By the way, I think my caffeine dependency has gotten serious. Should I try to wean myself off or accept the addiction? All I know is I did not have one coherent thought today until I got a venti latte. After about half of it, everything was coming up Neener again!

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