Thursday, February 11, 2010

Am I lazy?

Sometimes I worry that, deep down, I'm actually really lazy. I have always told myself the story that I'm ambitious, tenacious, hard-working... but what if, like a self-esteem class gone wrong, I'm fooling myself?

I have so many goals in life but some days I can't fathom changing out of my pajamas. I can think of good arguments to abstain from any activity that requires me to change out of my pajamas pants, really.

Ahh, but I don't want to be a couch potato! I want to take over the world! But can I please take it over via videoconference, filmed from the waist up, so I can stay in my comfy pants?


  1. I do know two people who basically can't sit still - but only two. The rest of us, I believe, enjoy our downtime. And that's a good thing! Just give yourself time to recover from all the "doing" you've done in the last 5+ years. You'll get your urge for action back.

  2. Thanks Tania! I know a few of those can't-sit-still people and I envy them.... but I know it's just not who I am!
