Friday, February 5, 2010

Coffee shop: bohemian paradise?

Today I had lunch and coffee at a little independent coffee shop right near my apartment. I had never been there before but must have walked by a million times meaning to try it sometime. Astonishingly there are lots of places in the immediate neighborhood that I've missed for the past 8.5 years!

The second I walked in I could see myself spending hours there, sipping lattes, using the wifi, and chatting with my fellow locals. And the food is excellent and cheap, the decor is that perfect bohemian style, the guy at the counter was really friendly.... I'm so excited! I have always wanted to have more of an official hangout, and this could be one.

Will this help or hinder my productivity? Remains to be seen.... but I did do some writing brainstorming while there. Atmosphere was conducive to thinking (or maybe that was the caffeine?). And I was excited to have wifi, as I cannot be far from the internet today as there appears to be interesting stuff going on the Michael Jackson case (which I've been following closely).

Yay coffee shop!

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