Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ideas in Motion

Yesterday I got a fabulous idea like a bolt from the blue for the play I'm working on: a key piece of background history for one of the protagonists who I'm trying make a little deeper. I'm really psyched about it!

The idea came to me when I took a walk outside just to get a coffee. Movement in my body, usually dancing, walking, or running, is essential to the creative process to me. The rhythm and energy of physical motion is linked to the rhythm and energy of composing music or creating dramatic scenes. It's one reason I'm often dancing when I'm alone. It gets my mind flowing!

When I used to sit at a desk most of the day I would often have to get up and take a pace around the big loop of the office layout. I would often come back with some idea, however small, or at least the energy to do work.

I WISH the weather weren't so cold here in NYC. I want to go run around Central Park again so badly. I feel like a big fat blob after eating so much on vacation and returning to the cold weather.


  1. A big DITTO on the connection between creativity and movement in your body (I like how you put it). Getting your energy flowing is so important(!) but it's practically squished into a corner of American culture.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Tania! Re-reading this blog post is reminding me that I must get out at some point today, no matter how cold it is!
