Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I heart caffeine and sleeping

I really think I am a caffeine addict because I wake up in the morning with a pounding headache that only gets better after drinking coffee.

I just spoke to a friend about this (a fellow Gemini - that just seems like an important detail), and she said, "That's cool though. I've always wanted to be addicted to something. People addicted to coffee or cigarettes are always more interesting." I love that because it's true. It's better to be interesting than healthy, especially if you're an artist (just don't tell Dr. Oz I said that).

My friend also said she is happy every time I post a Facebook status that says "slept twelve hours again" or something of the like, because it makes her feel better. I think we should all sleep 12 hours a few times a week. As I've said before, I'm an Olympic-level sleeper. I just wish I could compete....

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