Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Where are you going?"

Today I told three more colleagues at work that I am leaving next Friday. All three instantly responded with "Where are you going?"

I guess I am flattered that they are assuming I must be going to another exciting job. It would be worse if they all said, "I'm so sorry, what happened?" :)

All of my co-workers were very supportive when I gave my spiel about creative projects, shaking it up after five years, possibly trying some freelance work, etc. I realize that anyone who voices concern is really just showing that they care, in there own way. People react differently to change (I learned this from Who Moved My Cheese).

One fellow assistant told me not to worry when "other" people don't understand how one could leave a job in a recession without having something else lined up. She reminded me that we always have options, and some people are just too afraid to utilize their options. It was wonderful to hear this today because my faith was wavering a little.

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