Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 in Status Updates - Creativity & Productivity

I actually really enjoy looking back past year each January. When I found a Facebook app called "Year in Status Updates" I was psyched! I could view all of my status updates for 2009! So this is what I chose to "update" the world on via Facebook.

Here are the status updates relating to my creativity and productivity. I'm learning a lot from looking at this list, especially how much I have procrastinated on projects in '09. I'm trying to figure out how to do things differently this year.

Creativity & productivity
  • practiced piano last night for the first time in forever... the cats were like "oh yeah, that thing is more than just a step to the windowsill; it makes noise!"

  • "hey, what a way to spend a day" -- learned so much from my reading!

  • is almost convinced that doing stuff is better than sitting around.

  • I want to get stuff done, but I wish it could happen in an energetic 3-minute musical montage.
  • After 7 years of procrastination, I finally got my NY State ID card. And it only took an hour!
  • A quote from me tonight to my collaborators: "It takes me 30 minutes to write a song, but a year to complain about it!" (can also substitute "procrastinate" in there....)

  • might have a new idea for a musical....??
    Note: I still like my idea but haven't done a thing with it.
  • finally bought Logic. Can't wait to start recording again!

    Note: I haven't even begun to use the program yet. Wow. :(

  • I could be in the time-wasting olympics
  • Actually working on my play... kind of getting to that zone... (so why am I on Facebook you ask? because I can't stop! :)
  • Ok, so I'm not going to get enough sleep again, but I think I wrote an awesome "raise the stakes" angry scene for my play.... internal reading tomorrow.... yay!!
  • Wait, where did my night go? Too much internet, not enough time.... Oh, how could I say that.... I heart you Internet!

    Note: The Internet: a much bigger time-waster for me than the TV.

  • enjoyed my boss's master class on producing. also nice to explore the arts festival in Brooklyn.... (DUMBO: not just a flying elephant)

  • Creative exhilaration has turned to complete frustration... throwing out almost everything I worked on today. Womp womp. :(

  • After several days of meaning to read this book I bought on combating procrastination, I began it. But then I took a break to update my Facebook status to tell you I was reading it. Hmmm... I may have a problem focusing....
  • is getting better at hitting the SEND button on scary emails. Just do it, as they say.

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