Saturday, January 16, 2010


The last 48 hours have been insane. Hopefully good-insane, but it's been so much change at once that it's hard to tell at the moment. But things are good (I think). I'm lying in bed in the middle of a ginormous mess that looks like one of those TV shows that features hoarders (i.e. the most random crap everywhere). But I'm in a brand new apartment!

Yesterday, January 15th, was my final day at work, but it also became an apartment moving day for me as well. Changing jobs and moving apartments are two very large and stressful things that I don't recommend scheduling on the same day if you can possibly help it!

The last time I had so much Change with a capital C was in early 2005 when I started work, moved apartments, produced a show, planned a wedding, got married, and walked at college graduation. However this was still spread out between a couple of months!

I will blog all about this sudden apartment move, the way this two-bedroom next door seduced me, all the work farewells, the exit interviews, the bittersweet emotions.... but I have to clear a path to the door and eat brunch first. :) All updates will come soon, and there's a lot to say!

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