Thursday, January 7, 2010


"What a weird day!" I exclaimed at the end of the work day.

My colleague informed me that I say this frequently at the end of the day, but really I can only remember saying this once or twice. But he's probably right. I forget half of the things I say anyway (because I talk too much?). That's one reason I don't lie -- I don't remember the details of the lie enough to make it convincing. It's also a reason I have to immediately write down any good ideas I have.

Anyway, it was a weird day.

It started off with an excessive amount of coffee consumed. Paired with only a few hours of sleep, this turns Regular Neener into Anxious Zombie Neener. I have gotten addicted to coffee only the last six months. I used to get wired after one small cup; now I practically need a coffee I.V. to get out of bed.

Then I got a phone call (on my direct line!) from my favorite lyricist of all time. I won't put his name here because it would be embarrassing if he has a Google-alert on his name (I mean, I do!). But you probably know who this is! I really can't believe he knows who I am. I wish I had said something witty, but I'll be happy with the fact that I sounded like a regular human.

In the afternoon I got overwhelmed today with the amount of things I want to wrap up at work in the next few days. I also had several of strange conversations with co-workers. Perhaps this is why I got so little done today.... Anyway, if I work with you and you are reading this, I apologize that I was acting so off-the-wall today. If you want to stamp my hand "insane" a la the Simpsons "Stark Raving Dad" episode, I'll understand.

Only six more days of work to go. That's the weirdest part of all!

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