Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New song idea

As I was sitting in the bathtub (yes, I love baths and always have) in the Naples condo, a melody came into my perfectly blank mind. And I like it! It could be a good theme song to the video series I've been thinking about doing.

I sang this tune for my husband to make sure it wasn't obvious plagiarism (always a fear) and then transcribed it sloppily in my notebook. I really need to brush up on my ear training/transcription skills though because I had a harder time than I used to.

I love when ideas come from that mystical place out there. Those are the best! It's one thing to have the craft to know what to do with a good idea, but how can one explain where that initial nugget of a good idea comes from? Those are actually the moments when I most believe that some force is watching over me, and all I can say is "thank you!"

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