Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Imparting knowledge

I've spent the previous two days training a temp how to do my job. I'm very lucky that he is has interned at the company before (as I did) and is an intelligent, eager, and just out of college (graduating in 3.5 years -- as I did!). I'm thrilled to be leaving all my methods and tips to someone who I'm positive will be competent. I hope he enjoys the experience and gets something of it.

I actually think I am better at teaching someone how to do my job than I am at doing it myself! I intellectually know every detail and can explain the nuances in a clear way -- but actually DOING it every day just doesn't seem to be the right thing for me anymore.

Today I wondered if I would feel differently about this particular position if I were 22 instead of 26. I think I would be more eager to please, as I was in my first position as a receptionist for the same company. Back then I worried about people liking me, and I don't think I let a lot of the "real me" out at work. Now I wonder if I let too much of it out! :-P

I do feel good about imparting the knowledge I've acquired over the years to another person who will hopefully excel and make his own mark. It feels like closure to give away all of the information as generously as possible. Maybe someday some of those minor details will fade and make room for new information. Although right now I can't imagine a day when I forget the phone numbers, accounting codes, and quirks of the office that are so deeply memorized and ingrained! Maybe someday....

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