Thursday, January 14, 2010

Off the high dive....

Last night I went out for farewell drinks with some colleagues and I had a wonderful time. I've said it over and over, but I will miss the fabulous people at this job. They are all so kind, creative, and interesting.

Two people from "days past" also showed up -- my former boss from my last position, whom I adore and was so happy to see, and my close friend who has moved onto a different division of the same company (i.e. my former "work spouse" -- because she and I would check in with each other so frequently during the work day!).

I know I will NOT lose touch with all of the amazing people but I will certainly miss seeing them every day. I will do my part to make sure the connections and friendships last, and hopefully we will work together again someday. My colleagues in the 20-something age range often talk about the day WE will rule the theatre world... and maybe someday it will happen!

The "only in New York" moment from last night happened when we couldn't access the original bar because the street was closed off due to a bomb scare at the corner Starbucks. We decided on another nearby venue, quickly alerted the attendees, and everything was fine!

The night is kind of a blur this morning, not only because a few of us ended the evening at Dallas BBQ, downing a few Texas-sized drinks and sticky wings, babyback ribs, etc.

But earlier in the night (when I was still coherent), my former boss said something that stands out now -- leaving the company can feel like jumping off a high dive without knowing if there's water in the pool... but there is water down there. I just have to jump first....

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