Friday, March 12, 2010

Structure please!

I definitely DEFINITELY need more structure in my life than I currently have, and I might be going crazy without it.

Today my mom reminded me that I've been in school since I was two and a half, during every summer I had pretty specific plans including camp, vacations, and work. Right after college I started work, and I didn't ever take off more than a week at a time once per year, and I always traveled during that time off. No wonder this is such a weird time for me right now.

On a previous blog entry, my wonderful friend Tania made these four suggestions and I'm really going to try them to get motivated. Right now I'm doing none of them. In her words:

1. Always have a plan for the day.
2. Have a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
3. Get active.
4. Limit "screen time," meaning TV and computer, because it sucks me in, doesn't actually use up my energy nor give me energy, thereby putting me in a suspended state where I get nothing done but don't want to do anything BUT surf/watch.

I'll report back!


  1. I was there for almost two years! So I know how you feel. It feels like it should be the most liberating opportunity in the world to have no constraints, but people underestimate the value of structure. You're lucky you're catching yourself languishing this early... I think it took me a bit to snap out of it!

  2. Aw, how did I manage to miss this post? Thanks for making me famous on your blog ;)
