Thursday, March 11, 2010

Making my outside as casual as my inside

A few months ago I considered jeans my casual pants. How times have changed!

While working:
Dressed nicely = lined dress pants/trousers
Medium = unlined non-denim pants
Casual = jeans

Dressed nicely = jeans
Medium = yoga pants
Casual = pajama bottoms

I'm starting to have this fantasy about wearing pajama bottoms everywhere.... I could be a trendsetter!

Also I now have days where I don't wear any makeup for the whole day. I don't think I've done this since I was like 12, and I know that sounds crazy. I formerly did not wear a LOT of makeup; I had a three step process: basic cover-up concealer, mascara, and lipstick -- and always the same brand and shade of each. And within the past year I worked in eyeliner and I think it works for me. So I guess now it's a four-step process, plus ensuring I haven't sprouted a third eyebrow in the middle of my forehead overnight.

Anyway, these days I've been emerging sans makeup when I go running, eat or shop locally, or hang around the apartment pretending to be productive but actually wasting my life. And I'm starting to feel comfortable showing my "real" face to the world in a way I never was in high school or college when I had to wear SOMETHING on my face nearly always. It's liberating and I feel good!

Don't worry though -- I promise I am still bathing, using deodorant, etc. If I write a post one day about eliminating those things, please contact me from a safe distance and tell me I've lost it. :)

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