Monday, March 8, 2010

Just say yes

Last Wednesday through Saturday I had a short-term gig stage managing a school play at a private school downtown. A friend/former colleague recommended me and although at first I wasn't sure if I'd be good at it, I said yes anyway. A chance to practice a theatrical skill, earn a few bucks, and heal the world in an area I care about, arts education. And it turned out great!

The kids (age 10-17) were bright and adorable and fun to work with, not to mention more mature than some adults I've worked with in the past! They made me really miss being in school, and they reminded me of all the good memories. I usually fixate on the trauma of being a high schooler and forget how much fun stuff there was, like the freedom to put on a musical at school! If only I could return to high school with the self-confidence and self-awareness I have today... but then it wouldn't be high school, would it?

I realized I really do like working with kids. I especially enjoyed the fact that I was able to work WITH the stage crew and actors, figuring out how to solve problems together. The older I get the more I appreciate childhood and adolescence and all the creativity that children are blessed with.

Secondly I had a blast actually working INSIDE a theatre again, however small the show, because I've spent far too long in offices feeling disconnected from the final product. This was a good chance for me to get my hands dirty (literally).

This was also exactly the kind of short-term job that is exciting to me at this commitment-phobic time in my work life. I'm so glad my friend thought of me for it, and I'm glad I went for it and went outside my comfort zone. A good reminder to "just say yes."

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