Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to get motivated?

I just Googled "how to get motivated" and read a bunch of un-useful websites and wikis. Blerg.

Today I saw my shrink and his main advice to me is to get out of the "grieving" stage of not having a job and get off my butt to do something, anything (well, he phrased this differently in his crazy Russian-accented way). But how, HOW DO I DO THIS, UNIVERSE? I've totally lost momentum and it's hard for me to do simple tasks these days. But then again, I did wake up today, get dressed, and leave the apartment, so today's not a total fail.


  1. I just worked through my own version of what you're experiencing, and for me what worked were these things:

    1. Always have a plan for the day.
    2. Have a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
    3. Get active.
    4. Limit "screen time," meaning TV and computer, because it sucks me in, doesn't actually use up my energy nor give me energy, thereby putting me in a suspended state where I get nothing done but don't want to do anything BUT surf/watch.

    Hope these help! I send them lovingly.


  2. Tania, those are four fabulous ideas. Thank you! I will try them all and report back.
