Monday, May 24, 2010

Reflecting on 27

I turned 27 on Sunday and partied it up the previous Saturday night. May is full of friends' birthdays, graduations, my own wedding anniversary and a slew of other memorable dates for me, and during this month I've been reflecting on life. I feel pretty good about things in general. I feel I'm growing, but not growing up (and I hope I never do grow up).

I can't even express how lucky and blessed I feel to have the amazing friends that I do. There is a part of me that will always be that awkward middle-schooler who once called everyone on the 'class list' directory and still couldn't find anyone to go to the movies with so I ended up going with my dad and when we got there two girls who had turned me down were there together. Oy, that one's still upsetting. Deep breath! Having close friends I can share everything with, and being married to one of the them to boot, is a treasure I only dreamed of when I was growing up. As I get older, I want to make sure I take the time to cherish each friend as they deserve.

It dawned on me that this could be a good year because "27" is numerically close to my lucky number 9, with 2 + 7 = 9 and 27 = 9 x 3 (and 3 is even the square root of 9). Things seem to be lining up, with my creativity hitting a new place as I actually have time to do some work.... so maybe good things will happen careerwise this year.

Everything's coming up Neener at 27!

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