Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dusting off my tap shoes

I returned to dance class today after a yearlong absence (oops; I had gotten lazy and distracted by other things). I took a tap class with my favorite teacher after signing up a few days ago on a whim.

Class was tough having been out of it for so long and I thought I didn't do the best job, but at the end a woman recognized me from previous classes and complimented me on my tap sounds, and I felt better! I love the rhythm in my body and I want to make a commitment to go once a week.

And guess what -- the song we did our combination to was... "I Want You Back"! Michael Jackson, my favorite dancer of all time, was clearly saying to me, "I want you to come back to dance, give it another chance!" I can't let him down, so I definitely will be back soon.

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