Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Getting back in gear

After a few days of feeling kind of "blah" and unscheduled, I feel like I'm getting it together again. Over the past couple of weeks I certainly spent too many days sleeping till 1 or 2pm, alternating between pajamas and yoga pants, and believing Oprah is my best friend.

What have I been up to? I began helping a dear friend/frequent collaborator produce a show in a festival this summer, and today we had callback auditions which were so much fun. It's so exciting to be back in the room where theatre is made, being near talented people doing their thing.

I also got my butt off the couch to two networking events recently: one for Barnard alumnae in the entertainment industry, and one fundraiser for a friend-of-friend's theatre production. Both were super fun and I met fabulous people at both. I realize I effing love theatre people; it's one of the main reasons I love the biz so much. I met several passionate, intelligent up-and-comers and I thank the stars that I live in a city chock-full of talent AND have Facebook to keep up with all of them!

This week also brought the news that the musical my husband has been working on going back several readings is officially planning on a Broadway opening. Great news indeed, and we both are pumped! We're not counting chickens before they hatch nor buying new opening night attire just yet, but I definitely am excited my husband will likely get another opportunity to work with a team he adores. (I should also mention that he has played a few one-off gigs recently with some great Broadway talent -- I'm too embarrassed to put their names here and have them come up in Google Blog Alerts, but I was so proud of him!).

Plus, one of my favorite people in the world will be moving back to NYC soon, and this feels like the best news of all! (She reads the blog but I really do feel it will usher in a new era of fun times.)

Anyway, I'm enjoying the nice spring weather, busting out my collection of spring jackets (my favorite segment of my wardrobe), and getting out of my funk, I hope. Everything's coming up Neener! :)

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