Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An "H" word

I'm still a little off on my schedule, going to bed at about 4:15am last night. I wondered if the sun would be up soon! And a show called "Early Today" was on and I thought, "no, wait -- it's still yesterday!"

Today I feel like a total housewife. I did three loads of laundry, washed the dishes, and SCRUBBED the bathroom floor for the first time ever in this apartment (I didn't get a chance to do this when I moved in). The word "housewife" makes me almost throw up in my mouth a little though -- at least if I'm referring to myself. No judgment about other women's goals, but when I see myself through the lens of a married woman doing chores around the house, I feel like I'm letting down my feminist foremothers. Plus housewife sounds like you are married to a house. Somehow that "H" word has taken on semi-positive connotations (wealth, affluence) with the Real Housewives franchise, etc. but I can't really understand that!

However, the laundry still needs to get done, and my husband certainly does do his share of chores, with each of us contributing what we like best and are good at. He is a seriously good vacuum-er, bed-maker (with hospital corners!), and cat litter box scoop-er. But now that I don't have a traditional job to go to every day I'm certainly doing more around the apartment and it's a little weird, especially since I grew up with a mom who did almost everything for me.

Alright, I'm totally NOT a housewife or homemaker -- I'm a musical-maker really, but the world just hasn't recognized this yet! When I completed my census form I checked the "unemployed" box, I guess closer to the truth?

Oh and I also watched Dr Phil today and read O Magazine. That really doesn't make it any better, does it?! :)

I guess labels don't really matter at the end of the day, but I do want to someday become that woman I know I can be.....


  1. Personally, I liked the two years I spent being a "homemaker" far better than working... Working blows the big one. If money were no issue, I would totally be a housewife, and proud of it. I don't think it's a degradation at all to the feminist movement. It just proves that women have to right to choose what they want for themselves. If they want to work, great. If they don't, they shouldn't be looked down upon for it.

  2. I feel like I was being annoying by even posting this entry, because I do know in my heart of hearts that the feminist movement is about choice to do whatever your heart desires.... I just feel that we're still so far from a truly equal society that I must keep pushing forward in a man's world until we are all can have true egalitarianism between the sexes. I do appreciate your comment and agree that we should all try to do what makes us most happy based on our own experiences!
